Friday, January 20, 2012

CD8 - Mom Butt and Dreams

Went in this morning for another follie check. There's still only two on the right side. But, today they were measuring 17mm. The doc was very happy with their size and shape. He also noted that my lining looked, "awesome!" That was a huge relief. I've never been monitored mid-cycle before, so I never knew what my lining was like. I've been drinking POM juice because it's suppose to help puff up your lining. I guess I'll keep to it.

I was instructed to do the trigger tomorrow, CD9, at exactly 10:15 pm. Then the actual insemination will occur on Monday morning, CD12. The meds come to me pre-mixed, so I received detailed instructions on how to mix the meds. The nurse drew me a picture detailing where the shot needed to be injected:

No, those are not breasts. That, according to my nurse, is a buttocks, my buttocks. I understand what she was getting at, but it still gave me a chuckle. I reminded me of the dreaded "mom butt" that my sister and I accuse each other of having. I'd have to say that this would be the queen of all mom butts.

Nonetheless, it gives you an idea of where I will be sore on Monday morning. I will post more about the trigger tomorrow. Today, I'm going to enjoy the thought that I have two beautiful chances waiting in the wings to be fertilized.

I love this time in my cycle. It's the most optimistic time. There is no worry, concern, or tests. It is the time of the month where I dream of the future and all that could be. We are expecting quite a bit of snow today and I'm looking forward to snuggling in with Emmy and Jim and dreaming of her future brother or sister.

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