Friday, January 13, 2012

CD2 - Dildo Cam

     I say "dildo cam" very affectionately. What it really is is an ultra sound wand that is inserted into my hoo-ha to get a good view of my uterus and ovaries. I got a good look at both today and I was surprised to find that they are all there and functioning. There were no cysts, which is what we were hoping. If there were, the cycle would either be postponed or canceled.      After the ultrasound, I was brought into the nurses office for a tutorial of the meds that I'll be taking. It looks like I'll be taking 75iu of Follistim a day. I'll be injecting myself in the fatty tissue of the belly for at least 10 days. During this time, I will be monitored through U/S and B/W. What they are looking for is the follicle growth. A follicle is what the egg grows inside of. When it gets to a certain size, generally 17-22 mm, it is ready to open up and release an egg. Hence, OVULATION! YAY!
     However, when you are taking these meds, they don't just trust your body to release all of those eggs. They require you to take a "trigger" shot. This makes sure that all of the follicles will burst open. This shot must be taken in a muscle. This muscle is located in the ass. I assured them that my ass was way too "meaty" for such a shot, but they didn't believe me. I was then informed that this shot must be administered at home and by my husband. This worried me. Jim has never had the stomach for much and is so scared that his freakish strength will somehow injure me that he has never even enjoyed the occasional play-wrestle. I have a hard time invisioning him stabbing the needle in my "buttox like a dart."
     So, I will start the injections tomorrow. I will post more about that then!

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