Wednesday, March 7, 2012

CD3 - It's Go Time

     Well, AF came three days ago. She has been pretty kind to me this time and I haven't had too many cramps or bouts of crying. I have to admit, I thought that this break cycle was successful. My period was a day late and I thought we got lucky again.
     I made my way to the RE at the crack of dawn for my date with the dildo cam. However unfortunate those dates are, I always look forward to them a bit. Today I found out that my cyst is gone and we are ready to start our 18th cycle, 2nd with Follistim/IUI.
     I am a sucker for numbers. 8 has always been my lucky number. As I got older, I saw 8s all over the place. To continue the trend, we decided to get married on 8.8.08. We also found out we were pregnant with Emmy on April 8th, which was also our 8 month anniversary. This month, we are on our 18th cycle. It is also the 3rd month of the year. Our address is 318. Sounds nuts, and definitely is, but I am taking this as a sign. Also, March is the month that I got pregnant with Emmy. I feel like we are primed and ready to get pregnant. I'm feeling good and Jim has never been healthier.
     I start Follistim tonight. I am so glad I did this already and don't have the anxiety that I had my first injection cycle. I go in on Monday for a follie check. I will update then. Yay!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I was just checking in this morning. That stinks you had to take last month off, but I hope this month is your "lucky 8 month" and it gives you a BFP! I'm crazy with numbers too (borderline OCD probably) so know you're not alone there ;) C'mon IUI, time to get 'er done.

    Sara (saraevh)

    p.s. I don't know why it deleted my first comment??

  3. My DH and I also have a thing with numbers - ours is 45. And it's everywhere in our lives! We got PG with DD in March too - let it be a lucky month!

  4. Good luck!!! Sounds like you have the number gods on your side. :-) I'll be thinking about you guys!

