Wednesday, March 14, 2012

CD10 - Lame Nurse

      I had another follie check/date with the dildo cam. My doc was off getting some kind of award and his better than him fill-in was not there, either. My nurse was left to do the ultrasound and she SUUUUUCKED! She had to measure my head follie 4 times and then it took her 5 minutes to find my left ovary. She told me that all but one follie has stopped growing. Of course, now I can't really trust what she is saying. Geesh.
     Bottom line: I have no idea what's really going on inside me. I feel very confident that we are still rocking this cycle. But, I am a control freak and like to know exactly what's going on. I trust my body and trust the fact that I am feeling full and crampy. That HAS to be a good sign that something fabulous is happening in my ovaries.
    Soooooo, I am triggering tomorrow at 4am. Yes, you read that right, 4am. Jim is going to stab me in the ass with a needle at 4am before he heads to work. The good thing is that I will be too tired to realize what's going on.
    I will have the actual IUI on Friday, CD12, at 10:30am. I am SO excited and hopeful. If Jim's counts are even a tiny bit better I will be confident that we will be bringing our baby home in 9 months.
     I will update on Friday, CD12, IUI day. Thanks for reading!