Friday, March 16, 2012

CD12 - Improvements and Easy on the Vagina!

     First of all, let's back up to our last IUI. I only produced 2 follies. Jim only produced 8 million swimmers(post wash). 0% that were fast forward moving and only 10% that were moving forward at all. That is less than a million that were making their way to my eggs. None prevailed.
     Since then, we have gone gluten free, caffeine free, alcohol free and added Vitamin D to Jim's regimen. He was diagnosed as Vitamin D deficient and probably gluten intolerant, as well. He's felt SO much better.
     On our way to the clinic today, we were pretty quiet. The thing that was on both of our minds? What will Jim's count be today? We were a bit worried and I was cracking terrible jokes, my nervous tick. We walked into the exam room and I practically opened up the folder myself...the nurse was walking too slow.
     He had a total count of 5 million. But, the kicker, he had 67% of those that were fast forward moving! YES! That is over 3 million of his quickest guys that are heading toward the finish line. I am over the moon.
      I am chalking the lower count up to the fact that we couldn't keep our hands off each other the other morning. It was a poor choice, to do it 27 hours before our IUI, but what can you do? We're married and we find each other irresistible. That is usually a good thing.
     So, I was given my paper sheet and told to take off my pants and assume the position. As I mentioned earlier this week, my doctor is out of town. He's the one that usually performs all of the procedures. The lame duck nurse that I complained about, also this week, was the one that was going to do the IUI today. She stuck the speculum inside and fiddled for a few moments. Then stated, "I think I have to get a longer speculum." YIKES! She got said speculum and inserted it and fiddled some more. She then asked if my doctor had ever mentioned if my cervix leans to one side. What? Seriously? Can we get someone in here who knows what the f*ck they're doing? To quote my mother, "Hells bells!"
     Then, she pops out from under the sheet and tells me she is going to get the IVF nurse because she's, "just not comfortable doing the procedure herself." She leaves the room and I am left with my feet in the stirrups and my husband at my head reading Forbes magazine. A minute or so later, the nurse returns with her more competent partner. We exchange pleasantries and she sits on the stool in front of my wide open legs. Then, nurse #1 joins her and they both stare at my nether region for a moment. Nurse #2 inserts the speculum and spreads it a little too wide for comfort. I know that this point that she means business.
     A few seconds later, when she injected the samle, I felt a pain on the inside. This pain is indescribable. Not extremely painful, just odd. The only other time I have felt it is when I had my HSG 6 months ago. I am taking this as a good sign that the little guys got deep inside. I am so glad nurse turd retrieved nurse awesome. I've had a little spotting since then. But with all the fiddling, it's to be expected.
     I am feeling very positive. This time, I can't find any reason why I shouldn't get pregnant. I had 4 follies, we had an improved count, and we love each other more than anything.
     I go back on the 30th, CD26, for a blood pregnancy test. I will update in the next two weeks if there are any symptoms to report. Thanks for reading!

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