Tuesday, May 8, 2012

CD10 - Big News and a Miracle

     I got back from my RE appt and have to say that I have the most wonderful RE EVER!
After doing the internal U/S I was speaking with my Dr about all of the follies that showed up. Today there were 8 between 11-20mm. At least 6 of them were above 15 and a few were around 20. He said a lot of, "Hmmmm." He told me that I responded like an IVFer would have and he would be very happy with my numbers if I were an IVF patient about to trigger. He asked me what was keeping me from doing IVF and I promptly told him it was the money. I told him about our insurance cap and how we only have enough for this IUI cycle and possibly one more, but IVF would cause us to pay at least 5k out of pocket and we just didn't have that.
     Then, the most amazing thing happened. He offered to eat the costs above what our insurance will pay! He said that IVF will give us at least a 40% chance and we shouldn't waste all of these follies and he would be willing to work with us! I was in tears and just so amazed that he would do that for us.

     The most amazing thing? I am all synced up with their IVF cycle! No BCPs or Lupron to get on their schedule. They are scheduled for egg transfers for this Sunday, Mother's day, and I will make it! If I were even one day off, this wouldn't have worked.

     I just can't believe this is happening. Plus, today is the 8th and I have 8 follies brewing! I just feel like everything we've been through has been leading to this.

     If it doesn't work, at least we know that we did everything in our power to make it happen and we will have closure. If it works, we will be over the moon and have an amazing story to tell.

     This journey has taught me a lot. First and foremost, the generosity of the people around us are boundless. None of this would have happened if I didn't get meds donated to me from a fellow bumpie. And now this. God truly does work through people. I feel so blessed today.

     I will go in Thursday, CD12, for an egg retrieval. Then, if all goes well, I will be in on Sunday, Mother's Day, for an embryo transfer.

    So, IVF is a completely different animal than IUI. I want to go into it, but not right now. Instead, I will direct anyone who doesn't know about IVF to this:

IVF Video

     If any readers have any questions, please let me know. I know most of you know me personally, so feel free to email or call;) And, as always, thanks for reading! I'll update more on Thursday!

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