A big part of infertility is the cost. You can prevent a pregnancy with a $6 box of condoms and a prayer. But, if you are having trouble conceiving, then you better be ready to sell a body part or a large amount of illegal drugs. Treatment for infertility is extremely expensive. There are a lot of people who don't even have medical coverage. If you do, you are a very lucky person to have infertility coverage. I don't understand the lack of coverage. After all, it is a medical condition that deserves to be treated.
When you go see a fertility specialist, RE, you speak with 3 people. First is the doctor, of course. Next is the person you do most of your work with, the nurse. And third, is the financial consultant. The third component to any RE's office is one of the most important people you will ever deal with in your life. This person basically tells you the best or the worst news. Either you have coverage and this is what you can afford. Or, you don't and this is what you'll have to pay.
We are lucky enough to have some coverage. We were awarded 12k lifetime infertility coverage. This would cover ONE IVF cycle. That is without testing or anything. After all of our testing, we had 9k left. After our first IUI cycle, we had $7,500. I thought that because we already had all of the meds, we could make it work with what we had left. After speaking with #3 yesterday, I have realized that this is not so.
We would have to pay quite a bit out of pocket in order do get one cycle done. Then, we'd have to pay even more if we had to freeze any embryos.
So, we are sticking with the IUI plan. I was pretty upset at first, but then I got a very obvious sign that everything will be ok. I am very into signs and I really believe that something has been guiding us along. Also, I really think that now that we have altered Jim's diet and got his Vitamin D deficiency under control that things will improve. Of course, I will update as much as I can. Thanks for reading.
p.s. This blog was mostly written on CD23. But, I got interrupted and wasn't able to complete it until a couple days later. Thanks!
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