Wednesday, December 28, 2011


For those who don't know me, I am Lindsey. Lindsey Lou, as my family calls me. I have a two year old daughter, Emelia Gray, that took us awhile to conceive. By awhile, I mean 7 months of not avoiding and 8 months of hardcore trying. We were on the verge of treatments when we conceived her naturally and thought that all of our troubles were over. We were a fertile couple! WRONG!

We started TTC(Trying to Conceive) another baby when my sister joyfully announced her pregnancy. Emmy was 10 months old and we thought that having two kids about 2 years apart would be ideal. Well, my nephew is now 6 months old and Emmy just celebrated her second birthday without the prospect of a sibling in sight. So, here we are. 15 months into the TTC journey without a single positive pregnancy test. I think we single handily kept our local dollar store in business buying those tests. The garbage man must think I'm crazy!

I first went to the RE(Reproductive Endocrinologist) for a second time about 6 months into this process. The tests all came back slightly below average. My eggs are slightly below, as well as Jim's "soldiers". We tried 2 rounds of clomid(The first drug to usually be prescribed) around that time to no avail. It made me CRAZY and I gained seven pounds in two months. When talking to the RE about our next step, I mentioned that Clomid was a no-go. So,the next step in this bitch of a journey is injections with IUI(Intra-Uterine insemination).

I ordered the meds today and it looks like my first cycle's protocol will be 75IU's a day of Follistim for 7-12 days. I will then get what they call a "trigger" to make sure that the eggs I produce actually burst out of their shell. This means that for 7-12 days in a row I will stick myself in the belly with egg producing hormones. With any luck, this process will produce 2-4 eggs and we'll get at least one of them fertilized.

We do have insurance that will cover the first round and probably one more. However, that is it. After a lot of discussion, we have decided that two rounds of this will take us to the end of our journey. Either we'll have our baby, or we'll be happy with having one child. The only thing that has taken me this far is thinking of Emmy growing up without a brother or sister.

About 6 months ago, my previous statement would have sent me over the edge into a spiral of tears and sadness. Now, however, I feel very at peace. Emmy is old enough to avoid crapping in her pants and only wakes us up in the middle of the night when she's had a nightmare. Life is easy and rewarding. Adding another baby would be great, but it would be a lot harder. If the next few months go by without an implanting embryo, we are going on a well deserved vacation. It will be the first of many that we will get to go on because we won't be responsible for a second college education, clothes, food, etc.

I am set to start my next cycle on January 12th. I will update more as I see fit. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. We're here for you linz if you need anything! Dunno if IUI wi make you 'crazy' but call if you need to vent or need a break! We love you all! Wish you didn't have such a hard road to make the baby you three are so ready to love. - Laura
